Monday, August 31, 2009

Have Mercy On Me

(Today's submission from Marsha - thanks, Marsha)

You Should've Shown Mercy

"All the other servants saw what happened. They felt very

sorry for the man. So they went and told their master

everything that happened. Then the master called his servant

in and said, 'You evil servant. You owed me much money, but

you begged me to forgive your debt. So I told you that you

did not have to pay anything. So you should have given the

same mercy to that other man that is a servant with you. You

should have given him the same mercy that I gave you.'"

-- Matthew 18:31-33 (ERV)


Mercy! More than an exclamation, it is the reason for exclamation!

Mercy, sweet mercy. It is the gift of freedom from our past, our failures, our wickedness. But it is a gift because in receiving it, we acknowledge to ourselves that we have received something we didn't deserve without the person giving it to us expecting us to grovel or be in their debt. Mercy! But more than just the reason for exclamation and joy, mercy is our gift to share. Mercy has not completed its redemptive work until it is passed on, until we see the joy of another being granted his or her freedom. Mercy is the currency of God's Kingdom.

Mercy is the music of God's family. Mercy is the basis of our hope.

Mercy is the gift of God we are to share with others.

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