Wednesday, November 29, 2006


"I will smile alike to a friend and a foe, and make every effort, to find, in him or her, a praise-worthy quality, and discover that the moment I find one, I no longer have a foe!"
- Anonymous


Gizmo said...

I am glad you wrote this. I have found that in work environments, people operate often in fear, with preconceived notions, and sometimes with blatant discourtesy because we will do anything to keep our jobs. (we do not believe the Lord will supply all of our needs). I ask all to join me in prayer as I pray for many coworkers who will do "whatever it takes to maintain employment" even at the expense of others. Getting to know someone or being kind to someone is a blessing. I ask your prayer for my coworkers and for me that we will get to know our coworkers and learn about their talents, and display basic courtesy. If we do this, we won't have to worry about maintaining our "positions" but will learn how to uplife others and be blessed along the way.

Dottie said...

There is a book by Minister T.D. Jakes "The Ten Commandments of Working In A Hostile Environment." My sister bought me the video several years ago and I found it tremendously uplifting.
