Sunday, November 11, 2007

You Say Tomato, I say ToMAWto

It is far better to give than to receive. However, I ended up on the receiving end of a delicious Italian meal prepared with love and blessings. I was invited to attend with my husband and daughter - okay, so I was a guest, but it really motivated me to - VOLUNTEER.

St. Mary Magdalene Parish had a wonderful feast for all the volunteers at the church; ushers, lectors, those who help feed the poor - everyone.

Good food and fun was shared by all. I'm looking for a new church ministry. I'd love to hear about yours.


1 comment:

Gizmo said...

Greetings Dot,

Alexandria loves tomato mozeralla salad and makes it all of the time.

God is good all the time.

He has been working on me for months. It has not been easy, but I hope to be able to eventually pass this test and have a testimony to share with others.